You know life never comes at you in a way that you expect
But I find that being pliable is a def secret to not falling to pieces
I'm not who I was
pretty sure I am not who I thought I would be
I wonder at who I am becoming
But I feel safe in the security that the author of my life is writing a beautiful story for me to walk through
Lately I have been thinking about what the next tattoo I get will be.
I want it to signify something near to my heart <3
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."
up from the base of my neck...
...following the line of my back bone
ending behind my ear?...
(that saved a wretch like me)
Or else on one wrist: Verbo Veritatis
which means "Word of truth" in latin
Thislifething issucha humblingADVENTURE
and for once I understand I don't walk it alone
I am in love, I am loved, I find joy in loving
Blessings in your journeys