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Monday, January 31, 2011

renewel comes like a fragrant rain

You know life never comes at you in a way that you expect
But I find that being pliable is a def secret to not falling to pieces

I'm not who I was
pretty sure I am not who I thought I would be
I wonder at who I am becoming
But I feel safe in the security that the author of my life is writing a beautiful story for me to walk through

Lately I have been thinking about what the next tattoo I get will be.
I want it to signify something near to my heart <3
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."
up from the base of my neck...
...following the line of my back bone
ending behind my ear?...

(that saved a wretch like me)

Or else on one wrist: Verbo Veritatis
which means "Word of truth" in latin

Thislifething issucha humblingADVENTURE
and for once I understand I don't walk it alone

I am in love, I am loved, I find joy in loving
Blessings in your journeys

Saturday, January 8, 2011

ooh lala my oh mine

I have decided that there is a narcissistic element in blogging
I mean really
The smallest moments in our lives are suddenly worth being followed and read
And quotes from our lips are oohed and ahhed at.
Cause I'm just that cool

But I rationalize it this way...
We are living life together
And living takes confidence and courage
And if indulging in some select narcissistic pastimes are what make us human
living and participating adults
... then I really should have more followers ...

Now, I'm going to make eggs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

falling into silence

I'm left with my thoughts
trapped in a muted state of repose as I ponder who I have become to those around me
I'm afraid
Worried that my heart is slowly hollowing out
feeling like daily I am become more and more empty
What do I have left to offer to these people I love?

It's funny, the affects that alcohol can have on your mind.
at first you feel completely invincible and fearless
and then slowly that sense of reckless abandon leaves you to the way-side
you just... start to feel... tragic.
it's like all those unhappy feelings that disappear when the sun come up creep back in thru the cracks when the stars come out to dance and you are just shrouded in darkness.

There is so much beauty surrounding you. So much vibrant, exhilarating chaos but for those moments you feel as though you stand alone and separate from all the things that bring love and life into your soul.

Makes me wonder on a spare occasions here and there why I do this to myself.
And why do I do this to others?

I am loved. I love. But daily I fail to achieve the goals I set for myself.

Life moves on